How to craft programming Functions

All programming languages allow you to create functions. When i first saw people writing functions and reusing them, i felt they are very powerful and I should also create one. And when i wrote my first function, i felt so powerful !!

In this article, I am sharing some experience, mental model and examples on how to compose a function.

To folks who have been programming, a usual question they have when they see this article is, what is so special about crafting a function ? It’s so easy and simple. But after years of programming and working for major firms, it took me to realize some of the below things !

Crafting Functions

Functions in programming are indeed functions from mathematics.

For example, in mathematics, we describe a function that doubles a value as, f(x) = x*2;

  1. f(x) is the name of the function.
  2. x is an input, or in programming terms called a parameter.

The same function written in javascript is,

function doubleX(x) {
  return 2 * x;

So the above function has the name, doubleX, it takes one parameter, x and it gives back f(x). So f(x) = x*2 in mathematics is doubleX(x) in javascript !!

Lets write a second function,

function doubleXAndAddY(x,y){
  int intermediate = 2 * x;
  int finalval = intermediate + y;
  return finalval;

The above function has 2 parameters (inputs), and gives back the output of the function. So f(x) = 2*x + y in mathematics is doubleXAndAddY(x,y) in javascript !!

Now I am writing a third function, but now with three parameters,

function doubleXAndAddYAndAppendZ(x,y,z){
  int first = 2 * x;
  int second = first + y;
  // the above are numbers, but the final operation of appending is on strings.
  var third = second.toString() + String(z);
  return third;

The third function has 3 parameters, and does something more complex than the above 2 functions !

Mental Model

Functions in programming have a name, bunch of parameters and a return value ( of a particular type like may be an integer, or string.. )

  1. Name - Choose a function name, that conveys the functionality. Example, areaOfSquare
  2. Parameter names - Choose parameter names, that convey the value they hold. Example, function areaOfSquare(length, breadth) {}
  3. Parameter Order - If a function has 4 parameters, you can order them in 24 ways :). So what is the best way to order them when specifying a function ?
    1. Order the parameters in the order in which they are to be utilized/used to arrive at the final result.
    2. In the doubleXAndAddYAndAppendZ, we are having the order of parameters as x, y and followed by z. We could have had y,x,z too.
    3. But We double x first, use that value to add y and then append z to it. Hence from the functionality and how it is derived at, we arrive at the parameter order, as x,y, followed by z.